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K&T GROUP / 加多餐集團

Established in 1987, K&T was a Hong Kong set up by the largest Japanese frozen food companies in 1980s, namely Katokichi and Tomen. In the 1990s, K&T was mainly selling frozen udon and frozen seafood to Japanese supermarket and restaurant chains.

With the change of times. nowadays, K&T is owned by Toyota Tsusho Group and a Hong Kong holding company. In order to provide quality product to our customers in Asia, our Asia headquarter is located in Hong Kong, we have also set up K&T China, headquarter located in Guangzhou, to serve our China market

Nowadays, we have our own logistic team and warehouse in Hong Kong. In China, we have two individual factories producing processing food products and varies bakery products to the market respectively. Every day, we serve over 100 of customers in Hong Kong, China, Japan and Southeast Asia. Our customers including major restaurant chains, sushi outlets, ramen shops, supermarkets, CVS channel, trading house, etc. In addition, we not only serving Japanese food products but also bakery, Chinese dim sum, western food products to the public. 




隨著時代的變化,現在加多餐由豐田通商集團和香港控股公司所有。 為了將我們的優質產品推向香港、中國市場及亞洲各地,我們將亞洲總部設立於香港,另外我們亦建立了總部位於廣州的加多餐中國,為大中華市場服務。


在香港我們擁有自已的物流團隊及倉庫,而在中國華南我們則擁有2個大型工場,為客戶生產加工食品及各種焙烘產品。每天我們為香港,中國,日本和東南亞地區的客戶供應食料及食物產品。現在的 客戶群包括主要連鎖餐廳,壽司店,拉麵店,超市,CVS頻道,貿易商店等。此外,我們不僅向客戶提供提供日本食品,亦提供烘焙產品,中華料理產品,西方食品等食品。



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